Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Little V - Metal Effect ("Mass Effect" Instrumental Metal Tribute) [Free Bandcamp Download]

Band Name: Little V
Album Title: Metal Effect
Genre: Metal (Progressive / Symphonic / Djent / Electronic)


Metal Effect is an instrumental metal tribute to Mass Effect by artist James "Little V" Mills. Melody, ambience, electronic and symphonic elements; Metal Effect has it all. Very impressive, especially for a one-man album.

You can download the album for free (or pay whatever you deem appropriate) on Little V's Bandcamp page at:

If you like what you hear, consider throwing some money the artist's way. This album may be free to download, but it wasn't free to make.

Instrumental Track of the Day – Dawn Redwood (Caldera)

Dawn Redwood

Band: Caldera
Album: Mist Through Your Consciousness
Genre: Stoner/Doom Metal